Thursday, April 17, 2008

Loyal Opposition

Reaction to Wednesday's Pennsylvania press conference ("debate") accumulates. In "American Spectator," one Quin Hillyer addresses contemporary D-rat partisanship as not merely a symptom but a contagion, a disease. In brief:

From Reid and Mde. Frum/Pelosi down, since Election 2000 if not before, hyper-partisan ultra-Leftists have hijacked the party of FDR, Harry Truman, JFK. Cliche this may be, but Hillyer spells it out-- "Rank irresponsibility, outlandish rhetoric, flat-out denial" of reality on every level. On America's economy, national defense, socio-cultural wellbeing from education and healthcare to pension planning, Congressional Democrats (sic) play word-games without regard for ruinous consequences already evident, inevitably worsening under virtual legislative sabotage.

To proclaim before America's sworn enemies that their own country is "morally indefensible on the world stage" (Gore, Kerry, Barack Banana and MzBill) is not only a treacherous betrayal on its face, but self-evident propaganda without facts, logic, even a smidgen of goodwill. Public figures espousing such positions, in defiance of all American experience, represent a virulent pathology antithetical to every force for good.

Given Obama and MzBill, whether a well-meaning, rational, marginally loyal Leftist opposition is even possible in 2008 America remains an open question. Hecatombs of dead in Vietnam, Cambodia, very near Iraq; burn food for fuel, let peons starve; observe scorched-earth Detroit, New Orleans, Boston-Chicago-Philadelphia: If you would see D-rat monuments, look around.


Tulsa Jack said...

We could be less concerned if the Democrat Party's dysfunction were limited to its senior politicians. But these pandering ideologues must reflect the attitude of their constituents. How is it possible for the United States of America, the most prosperous, safe, and free country in human history, to have brought up such a legion of hateful dolts? Your writer has two answers, and would appreciate other thoughts.

Pyrthroes said...

Spoiled-brat Boomer generation of 1946 - '64? Mass Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)? Infiltration of left-"liberal" D-rat wing by actual conspirators, Alinsky-type Marxists if not declared Maoists or Stalinists?

In a larger sense, free-market peace and prosperity in the developed world since 1950's advent of mass-cult TV defines a classic "fat-and-dumb" societal worldview.

Since about 1964, guilt-driven non-entities have striven to degrade "bourgeois privileges", not from austere conviction or solidarity with those less fortunate, but purely as an absolving feel-good ploy to appear "relevent"-- easy enough to tear things down, not at all easy to plan and work and save as stewards for posterity. Abortion-on-demand will solve that problem.

John Paul II aptly characterized contemporary secularism as a death cult. In non-secular spheres, the Saudis' suicidal Wahabi sect most certainly meets that definition, as does medievalist Islam in general.

Fortunately, we have Darwin on our side: Once all the death-cultists have, ah, excreted themselves from history, survivors immune to Leftard bacilli will advance and prosper as they always have. Not "information" but Knowledge guarantees this outcome.