Sunday, April 20, 2008

Roget's Thesaurus

From Glenn Reynolds' "Instapundit" via "Vodkapundit" we have learned and verified that Roget's Thesaurus, a classic English-language reference, has been "edited" --brutally censored-- to reflect ur-Left PCBS speech codes that now render this standard work completely worthless. ("Weapon", for example, returns "no results". Feministical, peacenik, vicious partisan rants go on for pages.)

We've E-mailed a website or two concerning this, but are cynical enough to think that Roget's invaluable tool is lost forever. Is his Thesaurus such a nerd-like technical compendium that no-one cares? Do we not see that dictionaries, encyclopedias, historical biographies and bibliographies et al. will not survive this vicious totalitarian assault?

Composing "Alligator" in three volumes over some time now, forfeiting Roget makes one's stomach churn.

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