Friday, March 21, 2008

What Goes Around

James Pennington writes in "The American Thinker" blog on "Obama's Problem With White Voters." In Ohio whites and blacks are intermingled, and Obama lost to Clinton. In Wisconsin whites and blacks are separated, with blacks concentrated in Milwaukee, and Clinton lost to Obama. It seems that interracial contact does not unify society, because the closer the races live together the less they like each other. Ohio's large white working class is the Democrat Party's core constituency, and if Obama is the Party's nominee many of these whites are likely to stay home or to vote Republican.

Conservatives have warned for years that racial preferences which discriminate against whites in jobs and education, and
that welfare programs which promote fatherless families and their related pathologies, fuel white resentment and widen racial division. The sickening rants of Obama's "spirtual advisor," Pastor Jeremiah Wright, have pulled back the curtain, demonstrating the result of Lyndon Johnson's $2 trillion Great Society. A large segment of the American population now flaunts an entitlement mentality fanned by demagogues preaching hatred of those who tried to help them. Wright's words express the opposite of pride. Lyndon Johnson's real legacy is the collapse of black self respect.

White voters applauded Obama because they thought he could bring us together, ending this racist nightmare. But their laudable hope has withered now that this glib charlatan's true face stands revealed. "Liberalism" is not noted for its appreciation of reality. But just maybe these primary results will raise enough questions to edge us a step closer to the only ethical standard worthy of a free society: Equal Justice Under Law.