Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sheik Obama

Common sense tells most of us that anyone with a "pastor" like Jeremiah Wright is sure to have other associations just as objectionable. Now "Free Republic" reports that Obama is a close friend of Rashid Khalili, Jew-hating former director of the Palestine Press Agency in Beirut. Khalili is also connected to Tony Rezco, the Chicago real estate developer on trail for corruption. Khalili is now the "professor" at Columbia University who arranged for Iran's thug president, Achmanenajhad (sp?), to deliver his notorious address at the college last year.

Obama is also a close friend of William Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorhn, "Weather Underground" terrorists involved in bombing the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC. Oh yes, and Fox News recently televised an interview with Malik
Zulu Shabazz, head of the racist, anti-American New Black Panther Party. The NBPP has endorsed Obama for President on Obama's official campaign website! How's that for tact?

No one honestly seeking to represent all Americans could possibly have such associations. This goes beyond the question of Obama's judgment, already in tatters, or even his patriotism. Now the issue is his actual loyalty to the nation, to its ideals, and to its practical security. This Democrat is dangerous to our health. Sheik Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

1 comment:

Pyrthroes said...

A deadlocked convention this August seems inevitable. Obama's support may crater in the remaining primaries, but he already has sufficient delegates to stave off MzBill-- who without massive crossover votes (Republicans re-registering as stealth D-rats) would likely have withdrawn by now.

Where, O where, will D-rats turn after an indecisive first ballot frees everyone to plump for Estrogen vs. Melanin? At this point, Denver's hormonal imbalance will likely ensure a wrenching debacle come November.

Hyper-partisan media may censor, misrepresent, propagandize coverage of these two extreme-left radicals, terrorist enablers, anti-semitic racists, hate-America reactionaries as crass and vulgar as they come. But CBS, CNN, the WaPo and NYT et al. have nowhere to turn.

In light of Limbaugh's disruptive Operation Chaos, who might our Downstream Media promote in opposition to McCain? D-rats' real dilemma is not just that their front-runners are so egregiously unelectable, but that there seems no way to cover the deficiency.