Thursday, October 30, 2008

Paramilitary Stormtroops

From a half-hour BHO TV blitz last night (Wednesday, October 29th), reports are that a Banana administration would budget near a trillion dollars (!) to finance a "National Civilian Defense Force" equipped and trained to military standards. This would not be a citizens' militia, nor a National Guard adjunct under State Governors' command, but a full-fledged uniformed Federal paramilitary force, organized by Platoon, Company, Battalion et al.-- a force-structure parallel to but apart from all existing U.S. military units.

"Uniformed civilians:" Unquestionably, politicized stormtrooper battalions, brownshirts tasked with enforcing extreme-left diktats by Presidential order (meaning BHO) in defiance of any legislative or judicial --read, Constitutional-- prerogative. These would typically be black or Hispanic slum dwellers, recruited for gang-member/street-fighting skills, rewarded not only with public paychecks but with drugs and opportunities for looting "white" central cities and surrounding suburbs for which BHO and his glowering wife have always expressed abhorrence and contempt.

Marrying extreme-left Red Guards with fascist street-thugs is BHO's recipe for race war, the very "helter-skelter" sought by Manson's hippie murderers endorsed by Banana intimates such as Ayers and Dorhn, Farrakhan, putrid Black Supremacists in the Wright mode. Under cover of offering employment and training to oppressed minorities, prominently including illegal immigrants, assembling an NCDF 250,000-strong would take no more than months, say by end-2009 at latest.

The primary mission of this criminal army would be to ensure that no free election ever endangered dictatorial rule by BHO and his adherents. From the Presidential Cabinet to Congress and the Courts, not to mention academic, corporate, and media venues, any slightest opposition would result in "disappearances" familiar to Statist demagogues from Buenos Aires to Peking and BHO's church-burning cousin Odinga in Nairobi, Kenya.

Far-fetched? Like many a grisly creep before him, BHO has laid out his plans and the vile tyranny behind them in articles, books, interviews and theses over near a quarter-century. Given a complaisant and complicit far-left Congress, we submit there are no limits to this creepy dissimulator's destructive ambitions. Voices already call for America's incumbent Administration to resign months before Inauguration Day, the better to hasten the onset of unchecked Rule by BHO Diktat, enforced by his own private army of looting, racist thugs.

Great bridges may stand centuries above roiling streams. But lose one or more strategic bolts, down they crash into the current, washed away as if they'd never been. So too, the American Experiment, even now a mere 220 years a-borning. Down your quiet suburban street will march a singing company of camouflage-wearing, black tee-shirted NCDF recruits, glorying in brutal assaults their Leader and Messiah, BHO, advocated in Kenya less than a year ago.


Anonymous said...

I think that if I were to stand next to the lot of you "blacksmiths," together, we'd be the perfect picture of why the Republican party is the one that is more disorganized and threatened, this time around.

The thing I love most about conspiracies (though this one is more of a fantasy) myself is that it allows the theorist to project himself as an unlikely hero in quite a sadomasochistic fashion, using his own fascinations, loves, and obsessions to build up a case against something he pretends to rail against but secretly exemplifies.

"It is hard to resist the conclusion that this enemy is on many counts the projection of the self; both the ideal and the unacceptable aspects of the self are attributed to him. The enemy may be the cosmopolitan intellectual, but the paranoid will outdo him in the apparatus of scholarship, even of pedantry. Secret organizations set up to combat secret organizations give the same flattery. The Ku Klux Klan imitated Catholicism to the point of donning priestly vestments, developing an elaborate ritual and an equally elaborate hierarchy. The John Birch Society emulates Communist cells and quasi-secret operation through "front" groups, and preaches a ruthless prosecution of the ideological war along lines very similar to those it finds in the Communist enemy. Spokesmen of the various fundamentalist anti-Communist "crusades" openly express their admiration for the dedication and discipline the Communist cause calls forth."

-Hofstadter, 1964


Pyrthroes said...

Psychobabble such as "projection" and so on has its uses, but in comment/response contexts it smells of avoiding the merits of a case:

Psychologist to colleague: "Good morning."

Colleague: "I wonder what he meant by that?"

Freud himself once said, toking on an excellent cigar, "I realize the implications, but it's still a cigar." And Mark Twain: "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke."

The idea that only those of-a-kind are qualified to address issues peculiar to that kind are pronouncing "identity politics" central to their internal gyroscopes. Mine own spins at an independent, if eccentric rate; and what interests me is character, not personality.

Mrs. Cook, a well-known actress, to George Bernard Shaw: "We should have a baby. With my beauty and your brains, it would rule the world."

GBS: "Yes, but suppose it had my beauty and your brains?"

As for electoral politics, we'll stick with matters of policy and principle every time. If BHO objects, GBS would like a word with him.

Anonymous said...

Avoiding the "merits" of your entertainingly insane rant comparing a July speech about the assembly of something resembling Americorps to an army of "Unquestionably, politicized stormtrooper battalions, brownshirts tasked with enforcing extreme-left diktats by Presidential order (meaning BHO) in defiance of any legislative or judicial --read, Constitutional-- prerogative. These would typically be black or Hispanic slum dwellers, recruited for gang-member/street-fighting skills, rewarded not only with public paychecks but with drugs and opportunities for looting "white" central cities and surrounding suburbs for which BHO and his glowering wife have always expressed abhorrence and contempt."

Merits, pff. You have quite an imagination, a pretty disturbing one at that. What reality are you living in? The post begged for analysis, and screams of projection. Psychobabble aside. Thanks for the entertainment, though.

Pyrthroes said...

"The people of Candlewood Knolls
Were terribly troubled with trolls--
Brawling in bars and stealing their cars,
And voting for Thor at the polls."

In BHO's case, Loki would be a better model.

* * *

Next up: Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), courtesy of Steven McIntyre re Mann's notorious "hockey-stick" graph; Christopher Walter, Third Viscount Lord Moncton of Brenchly, Chief Policy Advisor to U.K. Science and Policy Institute; Prof. Roger A. Pielke, Chairman, American Meteorological Society.

To wit, "IPCC climate-sensitivity estimates (are) prodigious exaggerations ... (such) false data will no longer induce impartial minds to credit the bizarre fantasies attending Anthropogenic Global Warming."

From one Bishop Hall, "A dissentient afflicted with the malady of thought": "Statistical foundations (of the) paleoclimatic castle (are) a swamp of misrepresentations, deceit, and malfeasance" ("Caspar and the Jesus Paper"). McIntyre himself, of "Climate Audit," comments on Hall's "remarkable indictment of the corruption and cynicism rife among climate scientists."

Whatever, Nature takes her course-- 80-year Maunder Minimums affecting cloud-cover; generations-long Pacific Decadal Oscillations (PDOs); worldwide bathymetric magmatic episodes (deep ocean volcanism) due to drive continental evaporative cooling, argue that Earth's short-term cyclic warm-phase begun in 1980 will terminate by end-2009 in context of well-defined post-Little Ice Age patterns persisting from the 1880s and before.