Thursday, October 30, 2008

Paramilitary Stormtroops

From a half-hour BHO TV blitz last night (Wednesday, October 29th), reports are that a Banana administration would budget near a trillion dollars (!) to finance a "National Civilian Defense Force" equipped and trained to military standards. This would not be a citizens' militia, nor a National Guard adjunct under State Governors' command, but a full-fledged uniformed Federal paramilitary force, organized by Platoon, Company, Battalion et al.-- a force-structure parallel to but apart from all existing U.S. military units.

"Uniformed civilians:" Unquestionably, politicized stormtrooper battalions, brownshirts tasked with enforcing extreme-left diktats by Presidential order (meaning BHO) in defiance of any legislative or judicial --read, Constitutional-- prerogative. These would typically be black or Hispanic slum dwellers, recruited for gang-member/street-fighting skills, rewarded not only with public paychecks but with drugs and opportunities for looting "white" central cities and surrounding suburbs for which BHO and his glowering wife have always expressed abhorrence and contempt.

Marrying extreme-left Red Guards with fascist street-thugs is BHO's recipe for race war, the very "helter-skelter" sought by Manson's hippie murderers endorsed by Banana intimates such as Ayers and Dorhn, Farrakhan, putrid Black Supremacists in the Wright mode. Under cover of offering employment and training to oppressed minorities, prominently including illegal immigrants, assembling an NCDF 250,000-strong would take no more than months, say by end-2009 at latest.

The primary mission of this criminal army would be to ensure that no free election ever endangered dictatorial rule by BHO and his adherents. From the Presidential Cabinet to Congress and the Courts, not to mention academic, corporate, and media venues, any slightest opposition would result in "disappearances" familiar to Statist demagogues from Buenos Aires to Peking and BHO's church-burning cousin Odinga in Nairobi, Kenya.

Far-fetched? Like many a grisly creep before him, BHO has laid out his plans and the vile tyranny behind them in articles, books, interviews and theses over near a quarter-century. Given a complaisant and complicit far-left Congress, we submit there are no limits to this creepy dissimulator's destructive ambitions. Voices already call for America's incumbent Administration to resign months before Inauguration Day, the better to hasten the onset of unchecked Rule by BHO Diktat, enforced by his own private army of looting, racist thugs.

Great bridges may stand centuries above roiling streams. But lose one or more strategic bolts, down they crash into the current, washed away as if they'd never been. So too, the American Experiment, even now a mere 220 years a-borning. Down your quiet suburban street will march a singing company of camouflage-wearing, black tee-shirted NCDF recruits, glorying in brutal assaults their Leader and Messiah, BHO, advocated in Kenya less than a year ago.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Federal elections are held the first Tuesday in November in even-numbered years; Presidential elections occur in years divisible by four. This practice dates from 1845, superseding diverse voting schedules set from mid-September through early November, a source of multiple-State voting and other rampant frauds.

Early November was chosen because harvests were in and winter storms were not yet a risk to travelers; Tuesdays, because Federal polls were usually in County Seats, typically a day's round-trip for rural residents for whom Sunday was a sabboth-day of rest.

Tax filings are due in April because that gives the maximum six months to Election Day, when voters heeding promises to spread-the-wealth have half a year before the tab comes due. Should that change to (say) mid-October, incumbent politicians could face an electoral backlash endangering their hard-earned 10-hour weeks, 4 - 6 months time-off when out of session, multiple health, travel, pension and other self-awarded benefits.

"Nothing is changed, John Brown-- nothing is changed" (Stephen Vincent Benet). Credit Eugene Volokh's Volokh Conspiracy for suggesting this reprise.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Village Blacksmith: Aliens

The Village Blacksmith: Aliens

Aliens may have missed the boat for now, but Dystopian Dreamboy will be out there broadcasting a beacon to show them the way.

Blowin' in the Wind

Welcome to "Anonymous," who commented on a post below and is now good enough to say we may have some common ground. Your correspondent sincerely hopes so. My response: Attitudes don't interest me, at 68 years old and a survivor of the Tet Offensive. What politicians say matters only as an indication of what they'll do in office, and that judgment is a question of common sense. This election is not politics as usual. Obama is a threat to everything our nation stands for, and to our way of life.

Whether or not the Democrat candidate is a Muslim, there's no doubt he is a terrorist sympathizer endorsed by every totalitarian thug from Libya to Tehran to William Ayers. Elect him and he will gut America's defenses and open our government to our sworn enemies. Tens of thousands will die within six months; we only hope we and our families are not among them.

There is a reality out there, just as there was in the 1930s when Hitler was coming to power in Germany and Joseph Stalin was murdering Russia's kulaks by the millions. Obama broke U.S. law traveling to Kenya and campaigning for his cousin, Raila Odinga, a rancid Marxist gangster. They are birds of a feather. Odinga virtually makes war on his own people, who are black. Obama can't wait to make war on white Americans. That's not racist hate-mongering, that's just a rational expectation from the plain words of his mentors and spiritual advisors, Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. Anyone who empowers these fascist thugs will deserve what they get. Facts matter, and their agenda is crystal clear.

Abstraction notions of "fairness" and so on are fine, but there's nothing "fair" about slavery, and Obama wants to turn us all into "wards of the state." No civil rights, no control over our own
lives, no rule of law. He is on record saying the Constitution is flawed because it prescribes "negative freedoms" - what the government can't do to you. But if there's nothing the State can't do, then of course it can do anything. Some may look forward to such vile tyranny, or serfdom, as Hayek said, as an "escape from freedom." But they don't understand what this means. I've lived overseas and have felt the oppression Obama stands for. Once a regime like this takes over, it can last 1,000 years. Let's hope Americans stop it now. The crisis is upon us.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Crisis of Socialism

Delayed since Orwell's time c. 1948, the Crisis of Socialism is now upon us. Something-for-nothing, the pyramiding of ever more volatile financial instruments atop tottering piles of "monetized" (unsecured) debt, now reveals itself for the Ponzi Scheme it is.

For some three generations now, those who experienced the 1930s Depression and survived World War II have engendered a "spread the wealth" mentality that stifles competition, innovation; radically compromises individual initiative and responsibility; blasts healthcare, pensions, self-reliant opportunity at their very roots.

Collectivist Statists must always revert to eating their seed-corn. When previous generations' hard-earned social capital --including education, merit-based employment, housing-- has finally been expended by wastrel "populist" (read Socialist) regimes, the surprise is that economic pies cannot be re-distributed because there are no pies.

Libraries of studies, centuries of cruel experience attest that National or International Socialisms (Nazism, Communism et al.) rapidly degrade to nihilistic death-cults sacrificing acolytes in high proportion on Statist altars glorifying class (Marx), race (Hitler), sectarian dogma (Reformation orthodoxies, today's secular alarmists, always militant Islam).

Must this be our "human condition," or may timeless Enlightenment ideals exemplified by America's founders, unique in history, somehow nurture individual aspirations that hold rapacious Socialisms and their atavistic, reactionary State at bay?

In matters of life-and-death it seems that Eliot's "hollow men," Hoffer's "true believers," benighted Islamists of every stripe will choose the latter. On the most basic level, if parents and children --families-- do not eventually band together in defense of Life, humanity will face a global Dark Age so destructive of civilized relations, so prolonged, that no new Renaissance ever will or likely even can emerge.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Harry Leroy at Agincourt

On October 25th, 1415, St Crispin's Day, English long-bowmen under King Henry V defeated French chivalry at the Battle of Agincourt. Shakespeare's immortal composition of "Harry Leroy's" address to his outnumbered troops lives on 593 years later: "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers..." Mayhap in these parlous times, beleaguered citizens could use a dose of Harry's spirit, withal the confidence to prevail against great odds in a far better cause:

"And gentlemen in England now abed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day."

Fight the good fight, ever keep the Faith.

Communist Takeover

Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama denies that he is a Communist. Yet his mass manipulations, vote fraud, personal corruption, socialist policies, and contempt for the U.S. people and their Constitution would finally succeed in subverting the American experiment in liberty and justice for all under the rule of law. This Manchurian Candidate has no respect for American traditions and is probably not even a U.S. citizen.

As Rome entered on its road to disintegration, ushering in a Dark Age that lasted for 1,000 years, Cicero, one of his country's greatest patriots and statesmen, wrote, " A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city, but the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through the alley and heard in the very halls of government itself. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist." (Quote from "The American Spectator.")

George Washington agreed. And when asked what form of government the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia had agreed to propose, Benjamin Franklin replied, "A republic - if you can keep it." We're about to find out how strong the ideal of democracy is, when a band of traitors has snuck inside the gates.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Aliens were supposed to be here yesterday

Not that I read the Daily Star or even believed this for more than a second, I discovered it while browsing and contemplating economics. The part that stands out, especially in these uncertain financial times, was that the bookies stopped taking bets after they reached a point were their liabilities exceeded the amount they could easily pay off. Let's consider this for a moment.

Bookies unlike banks clearly aren't going to get bailed out and probably have an even tougher time of getting loans, thusly we can say bookies do not carry much if any moral hazard. Although I am unfamiliar with the gambling laws of the U.K. and most other countries, I feel it would be safe to assume that it is a heavily regulated industry, at least the legal portion. In the U.S. casinos and legal gambling institutions are required by law to have available enough cash to cover every bet they take or chip they play. That being said, we all know that casinos and bookies play the odds and the odds are in their favor usually. Obviously the odds of an Alien encounter are astronomical, pun intended.

So here is my question, because legal bookies are heavily regulated and forced to cover their bets, make them act more responsible? or because no one will bail them out?

Perhaps I am making too broad a generalization, but it would appear to me that this would be in conflict with Adam Smith's invisible hand, thusly banks and finincial instituitons need more regulation, or decrease moral hazard?