Monday, September 8, 2008

The Moose is Loose

GOP VP Candidate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin gets up at 3:00 AM to hunt moose. Today the moose in her sights is Democrat Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama-Soetoro. The Internet has now coined a new word: to be "moosed" means that Gov. Palin has hit her target.

She certainly has. Obama, the Left's lying Marxist stealth candidate, who is probably a non-practicing Muslim and may not even be an American citizen, is down ten percentage points against the McCain-Palin Republican ticket. More and more negative facts are now coming out about Obama and his buffoonish running mate, Sen. Biden. The Village Blacksmith predicts that McCain and Palin will destroy both Dems in the upcoming Presidential debates.

We expect a major Republican victory in November. Question is to what extent it will carry over to the Congressional elections. Dems will probably keep control of the House and Senate, but let's just see. They are so slimy, and so wrong, and so opposed to America's interests on virtually every issue that it's just possible a majority of voters will indeed vote for the real change this country needs.

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